Ann Seal
Ann has been a safeguarding trainer for Warwickshire Early Years since 2008 and a Protective Behaviours trainer since 2001. She has had a career in nursing, health visiting, teaching and training. Ann taught Childhood Studies and Health & Social Care at a Warwickshire FE college for several years alongside health visiting and then went on to run The Taking Care Scheme in Warwickshire supporting schools to use the Protective Behaviours process as part of their proactive safeguarding protective education.
She is experienced in delivering Designated Safeguarding Lead training with over 15 years’ experience working for a local authority Education Safeguarding Service, designing and delivering safeguarding courses and supporting settings with safeguarding queries. Ann is an accredited Protective Behaviours trainer with the Protective Behaviours Training Partnership, delivering training at Foundation, Specialist Practitioner and Train the trainer levels.
She has a Master’s degree by research in Applied Social Studies having researched safeguarding children through protective education at the University of Warwick.
Ann enjoys working with participants in the training room and evaluations evidence a reputation for approachability, building relationships quickly, helping put people at ease and a sense of humour.